Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day ? Who's counting?

hi anyone reading this anymore? i don't think so. i'm frustrated and STARVING. some days i don't eat all 5 of my medifast meals, most of all because i really don't like them. i get busy and forget to put my packets in my purse then off to work i go. i don't go off and eat a cheeseburger or anything, i skip my meals until i get home (or skip them all together which is putting me into hybernation-storing-fat-mode!). Still i'm down about 9 lbs since when i started, which is pretty damn good, but my sister is down something like 16 or 17!!!!! it sucks to be miserable and hungry all the time. i think my body is starting over and i'm needing to get over that hump again. i'm crying for help...begging! anyone with me??

does anyone have a yucky splenda taste in their mouth all the darn time? makes me wanna suck a lemon. had the beef stew last gave me a sample. it was delicious!! the best so far, i think because it didn't taste of splenda!

ps. did i mention i'm STARVING? starving. want a huge bowl of pasta with butter and parm. garlic bread. wine. hold the splenda please.


Margaret said...

I'm counting and I'm reading. It's Monday, my first full day of drinking my food. Not such a fan!!! Hoping tomorrow will be a better day ;-)

Margaret said...

2 days down and 4 lbs lost. I went out and bought a killer pair of shoes. Can't wait to see what I will get for 20 pounds. ha ha wern't kidding about the petrified chicken. Ate it though cuz' that way i felt as if i had something to crunch rather than just drink every meal. Day 3 is supposed to get better. We'll see !!

Dana said...

I didn't know they had beef stew! I want, i want! i hate the chicken noodle but the tomato and chicken with wild rice is yummy....what i don't understand though is, if they can make the chicken soft and normal like in the wild rice soup what the hell happened with the chicken noodle? I really need to trade out my gross stuff for different stuff because I'm incredibly low on yummy's and i haven't barely touched the gross stuff! I'm restarting tomorrow because since I've been sice its been a hassle just to get water down my throat let alone chalk and petrified chicken!