Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 1...only the beginning

I could barely contain myself yesterday when I pulled into the driveway and spotted my Medifast box full of meals. Yahoooo! Time to begin the journey to perfection. Chubby no more. Ready for a nice tight pair of $200 jeans. This summer I might even adorn a bikini, something I vowed last summer would probably never happen again in my lifetime. I take it back, here I come beach!!!

One last glass (ok, 2/3 of a bottle) of wine and a huge, hot, cheesy quesadilla with tons of guac. Deeeeeeeeeeelish. Buh-bye yumminess, here comes the diet food. I'd start in the morning, fresh and ready for the day!

For breakfast I selected a chocolate bar so that I could easily eat while driving Sophia to preschool. The flavor was pretty good. The bar was DENSE, to say the least. 15 minutes later when I finally finished chewing I cannot lie, I was super full and my jaw hurt like hell. At that time it seemed impossible that I would consume 4 more Medifast meals plus my Green Meal in just 1 day.

A trip to Wallmart and a new scale later I made it home. (164.2 for those of you who are keeping track) I was surprised when my stomach growled! I drank some water and waited. Still hungry. Hmmmmm...some cream of broccoli soup sounded sooooooooooo good. I measured my meager cup o' water then 0000000h, the chalky powder poured out of the packet and I groaned. I mixed. I nuked. This was not MY cream of broccoli, no way. It was a little thin...ok, alot thin, but all in all not horrible. I think I can stick with this for at least a month.

Chocolate shake around 1:00 proved to be about the same. Tasted ok, a bit chalky and thin but tolerable.

By 3:30 I literally wanted to eat an entire pizza chased by a strawberry milkshake. No, no, I can do this and certainly do NOT want to start over again tomorrow, an entire day wasted. Some green tea helped. Then some more water. Then made my big plans for dinner...

A tiny piece of the most delicious chicken breast I'd ever had was on my plate with a small pile of greens from my garden, low fat/low carb dressing, a few cucumber slices. Thought I'd try some Chicken with Rice Soup from the program with a small handful of cauliflower in it. I realized not long after my first bite of soup that Frank's Red Hot has no carbs, calories or fat. 1/4 of the bottle later I was able to enjoy my dinner. Followed my meal with a pepperoncini. Yummy yummy! ;( I still have 1 meal to go...think I'll scamper downstairs and enjoy a cappucini before I climb into bed for Project Runway.

The toughest part for me today was definitely when I made the kids lunch and dinner and had to resist the urge to pop a hunk of colby-jack in my mouth. The willpower!!!!!! Hard not to eat just one gummy bear for dessert...a cracker...or taste their pasta to make sure it was done enough. Catering should be tough and my wonderful wine will surely be missed. I need support. I need encouragement. I need you all to join me on my trek for svelte-dom. Come on!!!!!!!!


Dana said...

Well I will be starting shortly to share in your chalky trials... hopefully we see results fast so we can stay on the path to skinny jeans!!! I've been bingeing because I know that I can't after next week... panicking....panicking...I'm sure going to miss ice cream and cheese (not together of course) but we will be skinny soon!!!

URcoachBILL said...

So tell me, how do you know how chalk taste. I favored the glue similar to how lisa described the oatmeal. Regardless congratulations for starting this program you will be seeing results quickly, Dana's is on the way, So Who is going to be the BIGGEST LOSER?

backfatbgone said...

Hey Fat Bottom!!!! Backfat here!!! We can do this, fo sho!!! I've got your back... bottom. We are gonna be skinny and rich!!!!!