Monday, October 20, 2008

Day 6...not even hungry...REALLY

hi again! k, I'm really getting the hang of this now. Hot cocoa in my coffee for breakie, morning meal of oatmeal bar...scrambled eggs for lunch. Dinner of broiled cod with swiss chard and spinach sauteed in a little balsamic and chix stock, salad of arugula and endive from my garden with low-carb dressing. Need to drink more agua but other than that, "Muy bueno!!"

Just had to get on the's official, I've dipped below 160! That means I'm more than 5 lbs down from the start! Yaaaaaaaaaahhhooooooooooooooooooo! Leakie and I are gonna trade some food out for some new options.

DANA WHERE ARE YOU!????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Dana said...

Lets "hope" my food comes soon or I might eat myself to death. I've decided my binge is not fun anymore and have gone back to eating healthy (minus a gummy bear...or all the red green and white ones in the container) but I'm ready to get skinny again!

Dana said...

Guess who got her food today!!!! I've only had a lemon bar so far and it was actually pretty good!